Hosting an event of any kind or size requires a certain amount of dedication, planning, and flair. Equally important are the people and businesses you choose to rely on to help make your event a success. To help you make sure that you are receiving the best service possible, here is a list of eleven things you should be looking for in your rental company.

Your rental company…

Earls 20121) Should be a participating member of accredited industry-related associations and organizations.

2) Should be willing to consult with you both in-store and on-site regarding your event specifications and be able to provide you with knowledgeable suggestions and advice.

3) Should be able to answer with ease any query beginning with “I heard about/saw this thing once…”

4) Should be willing to communicate and coordinate with your other vendors (caterer, florist, etc.) and, in fact, should already be familiar with them and their needs.

Violet table

5) Should have good working relationships in place with many, if not all, of the major venues and be familiar with their specifications.

6) Should offer a full range of carefully selected and well-maintained products, from forks to festival tents, and be updating them constantly.

7) Should offer after-hours emergency support, for when that overly-helpful guest accidentally unplugs the lighting, or when someone forgets to open the propane tank before lighting the BBQ…

8) Should have a tasteful and inspiring showroom for you to visit for ideas and be willing to give you a tour of their warehouse.Forklift

9) Should have a fleet of clean and well-maintained delivery vehicles able to handle equipment of all sizes and a professional delivery and pick-up service that includes set-up and tear-down of major equipment.


10) Should work with the latest rental and design software in order to provide you with the clearest and most accurate quotes and event designs.

11) Should employ a commercial high-temperature dishwasher, environmentally-friendly products, and professional laundry service to ensure that products are 100% clean and food-safe and linens are freshly pressed, folded, and packaged.Hobart

Bonus!) You should also find a helpful, happy, knowledgeable staff that works as a team and is dedicated to being there for you from the planning stages to the finished product , ready to answer questions, and quick to anticipate your needs. Our job is to know what you need before you do and help you make decisions from start to finish.